UPDATE: Thank you to all the bull ball beer sippers at this year's Village NUTRaiser: Prairie Oyster Ale Fundraiser at Bottlescrew Bill's & Buzzards! We raised over $10,000 this year for Prostate Cancer Centre thanks to everyone that had the balls to partake in this weird, and epic fundraiser!
Calgary, AB - It’s that time of year again, the only time of year that you are given the opportunity to drink a Prairie Oyster Ale to help fight Prostate Cancer. And if you don't know what a Prairie Oyster is then just google it...sorry.
The Sixth Annual Village NUTRaiser will take place on Thursday July 5th at Bottlescrew Bills, all proceeds to go to Calgary Prostate Cancer Centre. To date close to $50,000 has been raised in the past five years of this nutty fundraiser.
This year we are blessed to have a few great Calgarians, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, Brett Wilson, and Julie Van Rosendaal, working with a chef from Bottlescrew Bills and a brewer from Village Brewery to bring you their version of a testicle tall boy, a bull’s ball beer...again sorry.
“The whole idea behind this is to bring awareness and bring to people’s attention that it is critical to get your prostate PSA levels checked. If you’re a man, over 40, get checked,” said three-time cask maker and prostate cancer survivor Bret “The Hitman” Hart.
Each cask maker has designed a special recipe to go alongside the prairie oysters including Pineapple, Apples and Cinnamon, and Rocket pops.
And does it really matter what they taste like? We’re raising $100 dollars with every pint served for the fight against Prostate Cancer. While it’s a meaty topic, it’s just the way Calgarians approach these difficult challenges.
What: Village NutRaiser
Where: Bottlescrew Bills - 140, 10th Avenue SW
When: Thursday, July 5th - 4-6pm, casks tapped at 5:00pm
How: Buy a beer for $100, drink a meaty beer, help fight cancer.
Why: Because cancer sucks, and the beer probably doesn’t.
And remember, drink responsibly. Don’t be a cancer.
Jackson Stuart / Bull ball beer sipper
403 612 6325